mardi 17 juillet 2007's Wall: From June 11th to June 18th

Habiba Skalli (UT Arlington) wrote
at 1:15am on June 18th, 2007

Hi Pierre,
I think that we could take ourselves digital photos of Fès and Morocco in general. If we scan them from the brochures, the quality will not be that good. We can also check with the Office National Marocain de Tourisme if they have documentaries already in digital form, that can make life easier.
Houcine, Zainab, we've got some nice work to do this summer.

Houcine Chraïbi (Uni. Freiburg) wrote
at 12:31pm on June 17th, 2007

The idea of DVD is great. also the upload of some documentary movie about the history of Morocco, it will need some tools,i will try to find some people with that skills, it will be a team work with good coordinators.

Pierre Levy (no network) wrote
at 3:15am on June 17th, 2007

The idea of brochures is good. However, paper is heavy and costly. Besides, in any event, the brochures run out very quickly even if you put hundreds of them.
If there is some IT gig who can scan the pictures from the brochure and put them as a slide on a CD or DVD, it would be much better. If a nice voice reading the text on the brochures could also be recorded, it would be almost perfect.
The DVD can be easily duplicated for wider distribution. The DVD could played in a loop on a large monitor during the event.

Houcine Chraïbi (Uni. Freiburg) wrote
at 3:58pm on June 16th, 2007

hey Zainb.. hope you having some great time in Morocco, i got some of this brochures too. The Embassy sent me some!
The evnt must be Worldwide.. lets make it big!

Zainab SR wrote
at 7:48pm on June 15th, 2007

Hey all, sorry for my long absence, I have had many surprises lately. I am currently in Morocco and will try to get in touch with the instigator of the idea! I will get back to you on that after talking to him and potentially speaking with Hisham and Brahim hopefully!
I am glad to notice the level of involvement of certain members here and will be glad to collaborate with you all.
Part of my plan as of noz is to pick up a fez borchures about Fez and Morocco in general from the office of tourism. I already have some literature available at home in Los Angeles and will keep you updated with the information I can get.
may God bless you all!

Brahim A. Afateine (Montreal, QC) wrote
at 3:36am on June 15th, 2007

i was born and raised in fes
i know the tal3a , el midina, 3atarine boujloud , fes jdid , bab Sagma , all the pretty places of my most loved city in the world
guys if you need help to make it happened let me know , im a producer in canada and the usa
god bless you !!

Houcine Chraïbi (Uni. Freiburg) wrote
at 6:17am on June 14th, 2007

Every body is lucky. Morocco Lover!

Pierre Levy (no network) wrote
at 5:26am on June 14th, 2007

You are very lucky. Lol

Tasha Kadah (San Diego, CA) wrote
at 5:00am on June 14th, 2007

I am going! I am fascinated with Moroccan Culture. I would like to be an arab who is not of Moroccan Descent promoting the Positives of Moroccan Culture.. MY EXPERIENCE WITH MOROCCAN PPL ARE THAT THEY ARE THE MOST HONEST AND DOWN TO EARTH ARABS I HAVE MET..

Al Hamdullilah!!!

Houcine Chraïbi (Uni. Freiburg) wrote
at 3:54am on June 14th, 2007

I know how difficult to be the only moroccan in a place! especially forlong-term, i have a network of friend aout 100 other students, from all over the world,i will try to get some Moroccan souvenirs sent to me! then i have always the Thé Party event. which did attract the curiousity of many people.

i got similar question about how women dress, i think many people in europe and other places ignore the modernity of Morocco

Habiba Skalli (UT Arlington) wrote
at 6:50pm on June 12th, 2007

Whenever I go to Morocco, I take so many pictures to show everybody how Morocco looks like and how beautiful it is. I buy symbolic gifts of our traditional handcraft (small tajines, wood boxes, etc etc). Also I satisfied my friends curiosity about Couscous and I made it for them several times.
And believe me these little things make people fascinated about Morocco and give a big desire to visit.
So what I want to say is that with simple things that cost you almost nothing, you can achieve so much.

Habiba Skalli (UT Arlington) wrote
at 5:27pm on June 12th, 2007

I think it is not a problem of ideas but is that you are the only Moroccan, which is the same case with me. And so you don't have someone to organize events with.
I can say that I know almost everybody in my institute 1st because it's a small community and 2nd because at certain time, I was the only foreigner and everyone was interested to talk to me, know where I come from, what is my culture, how is Morocco. I've been here for 2 yrs and by now they know so many things.
At the beginning, they used to ask me weird questions, like: as girl, did your parents allow you to come to Europe alone? do you wear the same type of clothes when you are in Morocco? and I had to explain little by little to them that so many Moroccans, boys and girls, study in Europe, in the US and Canada. That in Morocco we can dress up as Europeans do.

Houcine Chraïbi (Uni. Freiburg) wrote
at 3:31pm on June 12th, 2007

Pierre,je serais trés honoré de presenter mon Pays, ainsi que Ma ville Fez!
j'attends tes suggestions

Zainab, shno ze3ma 3endek shi afkar ..give me some.. i need! i have really no much ideas!

Pierre Levy (no network) wrote
at 1:10pm on June 12th, 2007

Les amis,
Notre ami Hicham est entré en contact avec le promoteur de l'idée au Maroc. Il n'avait aucune idée sur nos préparations et encore moins sur Facebook. Ce n'est pas grave. Il pourra s'avérer une source importante d'information sans, bien entendu, trop compter sur lui.

Pierre Levy (no network) wrote
at 1:05pm on June 12th, 2007

Je tenais à te féliciter de toute urgence pour t'être proposé. Je reviendrais vers toi avec des propositions plus tard.
Encore merci.

Et de deux. Qui dit mieux?

Houcine Chraïbi (Uni. Freiburg) wrote
at 7:32am on June 12th, 2007

le fait que je suis dans un endroit avec presque aucune communauté marocaine, j'aimerais avoir vos suggestions. Mon université organisent des evenements culturels, le responsable m'offrira 600€ pour organiser une evenement marocain! pour certains d'eux le maroc reste trés mysterieux. alors.. vos suggestions?

Houcine Chraïbi (Uni. Freiburg) wrote
at 7:27am on June 12th, 2007

Houda.. please.. i used to study 2 years in UOWD. come on. there is a moroccan community in the KV. other of the last summer it was a group 3bidat rma in the MOE! for more than a week, without mentioning the fact that Global village has a beautifull and much attractive Moroccan stand!
:) I love bladi!

Houda A (United Arab Emirates) wrote
at 6:19pm on June 11th, 2007

The sole objective of celebrating this anniversary is to promote our country. I did not and would not excpect any financial support from the authorities but there are defnitely other means to perform such a grandiose job. Trust me, there is no signficant Moroccan community in the univerties in this part of the world, so it's almost impossible to rely upon an extremely small community to create an awarness of our culture and history. The celebration of this anniversary is a marketing tool, if I am not mistaken, to promote a country whose image is not well identified notably in this region, so either to put efforts for its success or to keep it very simple and therefore results will not be tangible.

Houda A (United Arab Emirates) wrote
at 6:18pm on June 11th, 2007

Je suis d'accord avec toi Hamza, on ne doit absloument pas bruler les étapes certes mais ca empêche qu'on est tous invite sur ce wall a presenter des suggestions/des idées et les partager avec les membres de ce groupe.

Pierre Levy (no network) wrote
at 5:25pm on June 11th, 2007

Je ne pense pas que le mot "inutile" soit le plus approprié. En fait, si festivités officielles il y a, elles se limiterons au Maroc et peut être une réception mondaine ou deux à Paris. J'ai assisté à des manifestations culturelles dans des universités aux USA et je peux vous affirmer qu'elles ont plus d'impact que les réceptions dont j'ai parlé.
Il est vrai que les moyens sont limités, mais si la volonté se conjugue à la passion, beaucoup peut être fait et les mémoires sont marquées.

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