The discovery of life complexity.
I'm a very rational man. The occidental conception of the universe just doen't fit.
It's like in quanta. You make the exeriences, bu you still don't understand how they are possible. That's how they're playing. They know about fractal theory but they don't think it applies to themselves too.
Ce qui m'interesse c'est la perception du monde à travers les yeux du rouh.
C 'est l'idée que chacun de nous est une étoile et que le tremblement de l'un de nos cils est une tempête dans l'espace. Ce qui m'interesse c'est l'enjeu Absolu que dieu a proposé aux être humains et que les monatgnes ont refusé. Pourquoi l'ont-elles refusé? de quel enjeu s'agissait-il? Quellle est la réelle dimension des êtres humains? jusqu'où leurs actions portent-elles?
Quand je pense à ça, l'épistémologie me fait rire. Je n'ai pas plus de réponse qu'eux, uminu billaahi Filghaybi, mais mon regard se porte beaucoup plus loin. je n'ai pas besoin d'aller sur Venus. Je sais que Venus est quelque part en moi et que je n'ai qu'à demander à dieu de me demander de retrouver en moi cette planète. Les occidentaux sans s'en rendre compte volent trés bas. alors que moi là où je suis je suis en contact avec toutes les plantes dont je me suis occupé. Et je dis allaahu nuurun 3alaa nur et je regarde le monde autour de moi et je ne vois plus ni pierre ni plastique mais que lumières sur lumières. Dieu est entre/dans la lumière quand elle se superpose à elle même. A moins qu'il ne soit une lumière plus grande qu'une autre. Ou infiniment plus petite, ou les deux à la fois et les deux à la fois. Dans le régne de la lumière il n'y a pas de limitation au potentiel d'un être humain et la seule obscurité c'est celle qu'il produit lui même. Une absence de lumière justement, ou une absence de couleurs ou un exces de couleurs... qui sait ?
Ils ne savent pas dire wa qul rabbii zidnii 3ilmaa. Ils ne croient pas en la puissance du Du3aa.
Ils ne se demandent pas ce que peut signifier le du3aa pour dieu.
Ils ne s'interrogent sur la durée des chaînes de conséquences et d'implications.
Ils pensent que les actes se limitent au moment où ils se réalisent.
Ils n'imaginent pas la "portée" des actes.
Ils ne sont jamais interrogés sur le sens de l'intention pour Celui qui a fait le monde dans l'instant . D'une Intention. kun fayakun
Quel est ce pouvoir spécifique qui fait qu'un feu peut devenir froid?
Pourquoi un jour peut-il valoir mille mois et dans le temps dans d'autres contexte valoir 50 000 ans?
comment cela est-il possible en même temps?
Inni a3lamu maa laa ta3lamuun. Ce que j'ai vu moi de mon vivant certains parmi eux, et ils seront nombreux, n'auront même pas le droit de l'imaginer aprés leur mort. Rabbii limaa hashartanii a3maa
c'est en Nous que c'est important. Ce qui se passe ailleurs ne compte pas. Le monde n'est qu'une illusion et l'épreuve de l'illusion. Le Haqq est déposé en toi. C'est à nous de le faire fleurir. Quand il a fleuri en toi ce que les autres font ne compte pas plus que ce qu'il pensent. L'horizon de l'histoire que ce soit 4 milliards d'années ou sept jours ce n'est rien. C'est un intervalle temporel sans plus. L'illusion est nichée là précisément. wa kam labith tum yawmun aw ba3da yawm. Notre corps est temporel. Notre Rouh/rouah ne l'est pas. Si nous la soumettons au corps nous la paralysons. Et une fois morts quand on en a besoin elle n'est plus là. Et on se retrouve seul et nu dans les feux de l'univers dont Il avait précisément voulu nous proteger. Min anfusikum. * yashtaruuna addalaalata bil hudaa. al hudaa, la guidace est notre capital ici bas. nous pouvons acheter ce que nous voulons avec. Mais il faut s'attendre à en payer le prix.
alors la politesse, c'est une vue de l'esprit.
comme tout le reste.
on ne se soumet pas impunément au plus grand. il faut bien qu'il en jaillisse de la grandeur et cette grandeur il faut bien qu'il la mette à l'épreuve et la rapetisse sans quoi elle se nuirait à elle même. Et c'est ainsi qu'il nous invite à trouver de notre vivant le point d'équilibre; lequel point d'équilibre est la clef du paradis parce qu'il est le paradis lui même. Le point où entendre les feuilles mortes c'est regarder un parfum se lever.
Interrogez toujours le sens littéral des mots avant de les employer. Doutez absolument de tout. Y compris de vous même. Ne vous soumettez à pesonne. et n'oubliez pas: wa maa hiyya illaa asmaa'un sammaytumuuhaa.
mardi 29 mai 2007
Tools for Fighting against Internet censorship evreywhere in the world
Pour démontrer l'inefficacité de la politique goouvernementale de censure de Youtube, pour autant que ce soit celle du gouvernement et pas seulement celle d'un simple individu, voici quelques réflexions et informations sur le sujet.
D'abord concernant le contournement technique des mesures prises par Maroc Telecom:
here are the solutions:
- Guardster: Free anonymous, private web surfing proxy and encrypted private virtual network. Internet security and privacy on our VPN.
- "Fravia's relative guide to anonymity" or "no need to be 'too' paranoid"
- a more radical solution: Tor: Overview:
Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. It also enables software developers to create new communication tools with built-in privacy features. Tor provides the foundation for a range of applications that allow organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy.
Individuals use Tor to keep websites from tracking them and their family members, or to connect to news sites, instant messaging services, or the like when these are blocked by their local Internet providers. Tor's hidden services let users publish web sites and other services without needing to reveal the location of the site. Individuals also use Tor for socially sensitive communication: chat rooms and web forums for rape and abuse survivors, or people with illnesses.
Journalists use Tor to communicate more safely with whistleblowers
Rest OftheWorld wrote
at 4:27am
La vraie censure ce n'est pas celle de utube ou livejournal mais celle de anonymiser et muti-proxy. Ne vous trompez pas de polémique s'il vous plait. ;-)
ce que le gouvernement vient de faire en réalité c'est de lancer une attaque en régle contre l'anonymat sur internet. Et ça il faut se demander pourquoi. Utube c'est pour la galerie. Anonymiser et multiproxy c'est pour la lutte anti-terroriste. En angleterre on a interdit libération et le monde parce qu'ils parlaient d'aventures sexuelles du prince cherles. ils ont bloqué les journaux à l'entrée du port. Le gouvernement a le droit constitutionnel de faire prendre toute mesure juridique ou technique dés lors que la personne royale est lésée. Le gvt doit négocier avec Utube pour trouver des solutions techniques, c'est tout. La liberté d'expression commence par le respect de la constitution. autrement c'est Guantanamo même aux Etats unis. désolé mais ça c'est la realpolitiK .
D'abord concernant le contournement technique des mesures prises par Maroc Telecom:
here are the solutions:
- Guardster: Free anonymous, private web surfing proxy and encrypted private virtual network. Internet security and privacy on our VPN.
- "Fravia's relative guide to anonymity" or "no need to be 'too' paranoid"
- a more radical solution: Tor: Overview:
Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. It also enables software developers to create new communication tools with built-in privacy features. Tor provides the foundation for a range of applications that allow organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy.
Individuals use Tor to keep websites from tracking them and their family members, or to connect to news sites, instant messaging services, or the like when these are blocked by their local Internet providers. Tor's hidden services let users publish web sites and other services without needing to reveal the location of the site. Individuals also use Tor for socially sensitive communication: chat rooms and web forums for rape and abuse survivors, or people with illnesses.
Journalists use Tor to communicate more safely with whistleblowers
Rest OftheWorld wrote
at 4:27am
La vraie censure ce n'est pas celle de utube ou livejournal mais celle de anonymiser et muti-proxy. Ne vous trompez pas de polémique s'il vous plait. ;-)
ce que le gouvernement vient de faire en réalité c'est de lancer une attaque en régle contre l'anonymat sur internet. Et ça il faut se demander pourquoi. Utube c'est pour la galerie. Anonymiser et multiproxy c'est pour la lutte anti-terroriste. En angleterre on a interdit libération et le monde parce qu'ils parlaient d'aventures sexuelles du prince cherles. ils ont bloqué les journaux à l'entrée du port. Le gouvernement a le droit constitutionnel de faire prendre toute mesure juridique ou technique dés lors que la personne royale est lésée. Le gvt doit négocier avec Utube pour trouver des solutions techniques, c'est tout. La liberté d'expression commence par le respect de la constitution. autrement c'est Guantanamo même aux Etats unis. désolé mais ça c'est la realpolitiK .
Tools for Fighting Internet censorship evreywhere in the world
Visit this Facebook group: Non a la censure d'Internet au Maroc,
Pour démontrer l'inefficacité de la politique goouvernementale de censure de Youtube, pour autant que ce soit celle du gouvernement et pas seulement celle d'un simple individu, voici quelques réflexions et informations sur le sujet.
D'abord concernant le contournement technique des mesures prises par Maroc Telecom:
here are the solutions:
- Guardster: Free anonymous, private web surfing proxy and encrypted private virtual network. Internet security and privacy on our VPN.
- "Fravia's relative guide to anonymity" or "no need to be 'too' paranoid"
- a more radical solution: Tor: Overview:
Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. It also enables software developers to create new communication tools with built-in privacy features. Tor provides the foundation for a range of applications that allow organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy.
Individuals use Tor to keep websites from tracking them and their family members, or to connect to news sites, instant messaging services, or the like when these are blocked by their local Internet providers. Tor's hidden services let users publish web sites and other services without needing to reveal the location of the site. Individuals also use Tor for socially sensitive communication: chat rooms and web forums for rape and abuse survivors, or people with illnesses.
Journalists use Tor to communicate more safely with whistleblowers
Rest OftheWorld wrote
at 4:27am
La vraie censure ce n'est pas celle de utube ou livejournal mais celle de anonymiser et muti-proxy. Ne vous trompez pas de polémique s'il vous plait. ;-)
ce que le gouvernement vient de faire en réalité c'est de lancer une attaque en régle contre l'anonymat sur internet. Et ça il faut se demander pourquoi. Utube c'est pour la galerie. Anonymiser et multiproxy c'est pour la lutte anti-terroriste. En angleterre on a interdit libération et le monde parce qu'ils parlaient d'aventures sexuelles du prince cherles. ils ont bloqué les journaux à l'entrée du port. Le gouvernement a le droit constitutionnel de faire prendre toute mesure juridique ou technique dés lors que la personne royale est lésée. Le gvt doit négocier avec Utube pour trouver des solutions techniques, c'est tout. La liberté d'expression commence par le respect de la constitution. autrement c'est Guantanamo même aux Etats unis. désolé mais ça c'est la realpolitiK .
Comment organiser un mariage Gay au Maroc: Nos Moeurs, Nos Principes
De temps en temps il se monte sur Facebook des forums curieux parois délirants. Nos moeurs nos pricipes appartient par certains point à la première par d'autres à la seconde. Voilà par exemple Yacir contempteur de la débacle de la cociété marocaine, ui ne connait semble-t-il Rabat ue par les yeux de l'agdal. Il évoque une situation gravissime et dénonce au passage le mariage gay pratiqué à Meknes dans un Moussem devant des foules en délire. Anas Benmoussa lui donne la réplique et sans transiger proclame : "khass zzarwata takhdam fel maghrib !!!!': il faut que le baton travaille au Maroc !!! Bizarrement je trouve cette manière de parler trés makhzanienne. Encore plus makhzanienne sonne à mes yeux la ritournelle: trop de démocratie tue la démocratie.
Sue Face Book les identités bien sur ne sont jmais définies, jamais fixées, jamais établies, jamais crédibles. Un dialogue comme celui ci vaut son pesant d'or. C'est véritablement une fenêtre ouverte sur le discours décadentisme marocain et son pendant systématique le discours réformateur et restaurationniste.
Nos Moeurs, Nos Principes
Group InfoName:
Nos Moeurs, Nos Principes
Common Interest - Beliefs & Causes
La débauche de la jeunesse marocaine, dans le pays et lorsque nos jeunes sortent étudier à l'étranger est un danger auquel il faut trouver des solutions et vite. Les femmes marocaines commencent à avoir une sale réputation et certains pays interdisent déjà à toute marocaine entre5 et 45 ans de rentrer au pays...
YaCir Mouline (France) wrote
at 11:03am
De la débacle de notre société qui tend à délaiC les moeurs, les valeurs et les principes pour prendre les mauvais cotés de l'occidentalisation. La débauche des jeunes et des moins jeunes. Il suffit de rentrer au pays, de faire un tour à l'agdal un aprem pour s'en apercevoir... ou de voir ce que font bcp de celles et ceux qui, bac en mains viennent étudier en France ou ailleurs
Il y toujours eu pas mal de choses et pas seulement au maroc. L'homosexualité des femmes principalement remonte à 3000 ans av JC en Arabie par exemple. Mais ce n'est pas de ce qui peut exister ou non dont il faut parler mais de l'ampleur que cela prend. La débauche n'est plus un cas isolé mais des pratiques contraires à nos valeurs se généralisent de plus en plus et c'est un fléau qu'il faut combattre. Pour ne pas parler que de marocaines, voici un article qui parle des célébrations dans un moussem à Meknes des mariages Gay en toute impunité devant des foules en délire :
Il faudrait recentrer l'éducation sur les valeurs de la famille, l'honneur, la morale. Sais tu ce qui ce passe dans les lycées au Maroc ? Et maintenant même dans certains collège ?
La situation est gravissime et si en parler est une ouverture pour certains, nouvelle, elle ne l'est pas pour d'autres habitués à discuter de tout mais la n'est pas le PROBLEME.
Il s'agit des pratiques de plus en plus répandues des importations mal saines. Au lieu de prendre leur science et de la dépasser comme eux l'ont fait il y a des siècles, nous copions aujourd'hui ce qu'il y a de plus sal en eux. Mes mots sont peut être un peu fort, peut être pas assez, mais les exemples sont malheureusement de plus en plus nombreux
Anas BENMOUSSA wrote
at 6:25pm
l'occidentalisation a poussé et aidé à la debauche de la societe marocaine, elle a donné certes plus de point positifs que de negatifs mais nous avons pas su malheureusement faire le tri. avant ce n'etait que quelques cas isolés et ça restait tres mal vu alors que maintenant tu peux voir que des familles entieres integrer les valeurs occidentales sans aucun problemes, mais ce qui a vraiment propulsé cela c'est la democracie a l'occidentale et l'analphabetisme.
khass zzarwata takhdam fel maghrib !!!! vive Hassan ||
ps : trop de democracie tue la democracie surtout quand il y a 50 % d'illetres !!!
Hicham Ouazzani wrote
at 10:57pm
Vous y allez fort les gars avec ce discours antioccident provaleurs antidecadence et antidebauche. Vous allez attirer ici la crème de l'intégrisme si vous ne faites pas attention. ;-)) et puis au fait Yacir, cette débauche dont tu parles, je ne la vois pas moi au Maroc. A paris j'ai vu des gens faire l'amour dans la rue. Ici les gens ont l'air de faire tranquillement ça chez eux. C'est à peine s'ils commencent à s'enlacer en public. Nous sommes trés trés loin de la débauche occidentale. Nous méritons donc d'être traités marocains et marocaines comme des citoyens responsables. Nous faisons ça chez nous s'il vous plait, pas dans la rue. ;-))
Autre point de détail yacir. L'histoire des mariages gay, on sait tous que c'est un coup de journaliste à la recherche de scoop. Tu ne vas quand même pas prêter crédit à un tel montage? et ça se passerait comme ça dans un moussem et sous le nez du Qaïd et des cheikhs? Ils ne sont quand même pas devenus progressistes les qaid et les cheikh de la campagne? et pourquoi est ce que les gay marocains voudraient se marier? pour adopter des enfants comme en France? tu crois qu'ils ont l'ombre du soupçon d'obtenir ça un jour au Maroc? pas tant que les alouites existent à mon avis. C'est pas dans le contrat passé entre la dynastie et le peuple. Le mariage gay au Maroc ça n'existe pas parce que ça ne peut exister dans le pays du commandeur des croyants. sans plus.
FAMILLE Un essai du jeune philosophe Thibaud Collin
Agrégé de philosophie, enseignant en classe préparatoire au lycée Stanislas et co-interviewer de Nicolas Sarkozy dans La République, les religions, l'espérance, Thibaud Collin publie un essai engagé contre le mariage gay.
Cela dit il est techniquement possible d'organiser un mariage Gay au Maroc. Voilà quelque chose dont la presse ne parle pas et dont il vaut mieux qu'elle ne parle pas d'ailleurs. C'est le genre de bêtises qui réveillent les foules.
Mariage gay dans un consulat européen au Maroc?: l'imbroglio juridique.
Sue Face Book les identités bien sur ne sont jmais définies, jamais fixées, jamais établies, jamais crédibles. Un dialogue comme celui ci vaut son pesant d'or. C'est véritablement une fenêtre ouverte sur le discours décadentisme marocain et son pendant systématique le discours réformateur et restaurationniste.
Nos Moeurs, Nos Principes
Group InfoName:
Nos Moeurs, Nos Principes
Common Interest - Beliefs & Causes
La débauche de la jeunesse marocaine, dans le pays et lorsque nos jeunes sortent étudier à l'étranger est un danger auquel il faut trouver des solutions et vite. Les femmes marocaines commencent à avoir une sale réputation et certains pays interdisent déjà à toute marocaine entre5 et 45 ans de rentrer au pays...
YaCir Mouline (France) wrote
at 11:03am
De la débacle de notre société qui tend à délaiC les moeurs, les valeurs et les principes pour prendre les mauvais cotés de l'occidentalisation. La débauche des jeunes et des moins jeunes. Il suffit de rentrer au pays, de faire un tour à l'agdal un aprem pour s'en apercevoir... ou de voir ce que font bcp de celles et ceux qui, bac en mains viennent étudier en France ou ailleurs
Il y toujours eu pas mal de choses et pas seulement au maroc. L'homosexualité des femmes principalement remonte à 3000 ans av JC en Arabie par exemple. Mais ce n'est pas de ce qui peut exister ou non dont il faut parler mais de l'ampleur que cela prend. La débauche n'est plus un cas isolé mais des pratiques contraires à nos valeurs se généralisent de plus en plus et c'est un fléau qu'il faut combattre. Pour ne pas parler que de marocaines, voici un article qui parle des célébrations dans un moussem à Meknes des mariages Gay en toute impunité devant des foules en délire :
Il faudrait recentrer l'éducation sur les valeurs de la famille, l'honneur, la morale. Sais tu ce qui ce passe dans les lycées au Maroc ? Et maintenant même dans certains collège ?
La situation est gravissime et si en parler est une ouverture pour certains, nouvelle, elle ne l'est pas pour d'autres habitués à discuter de tout mais la n'est pas le PROBLEME.
Il s'agit des pratiques de plus en plus répandues des importations mal saines. Au lieu de prendre leur science et de la dépasser comme eux l'ont fait il y a des siècles, nous copions aujourd'hui ce qu'il y a de plus sal en eux. Mes mots sont peut être un peu fort, peut être pas assez, mais les exemples sont malheureusement de plus en plus nombreux
Anas BENMOUSSA wrote
at 6:25pm
l'occidentalisation a poussé et aidé à la debauche de la societe marocaine, elle a donné certes plus de point positifs que de negatifs mais nous avons pas su malheureusement faire le tri. avant ce n'etait que quelques cas isolés et ça restait tres mal vu alors que maintenant tu peux voir que des familles entieres integrer les valeurs occidentales sans aucun problemes, mais ce qui a vraiment propulsé cela c'est la democracie a l'occidentale et l'analphabetisme.
khass zzarwata takhdam fel maghrib !!!! vive Hassan ||
ps : trop de democracie tue la democracie surtout quand il y a 50 % d'illetres !!!
Hicham Ouazzani wrote
at 10:57pm
Vous y allez fort les gars avec ce discours antioccident provaleurs antidecadence et antidebauche. Vous allez attirer ici la crème de l'intégrisme si vous ne faites pas attention. ;-)) et puis au fait Yacir, cette débauche dont tu parles, je ne la vois pas moi au Maroc. A paris j'ai vu des gens faire l'amour dans la rue. Ici les gens ont l'air de faire tranquillement ça chez eux. C'est à peine s'ils commencent à s'enlacer en public. Nous sommes trés trés loin de la débauche occidentale. Nous méritons donc d'être traités marocains et marocaines comme des citoyens responsables. Nous faisons ça chez nous s'il vous plait, pas dans la rue. ;-))
Autre point de détail yacir. L'histoire des mariages gay, on sait tous que c'est un coup de journaliste à la recherche de scoop. Tu ne vas quand même pas prêter crédit à un tel montage? et ça se passerait comme ça dans un moussem et sous le nez du Qaïd et des cheikhs? Ils ne sont quand même pas devenus progressistes les qaid et les cheikh de la campagne? et pourquoi est ce que les gay marocains voudraient se marier? pour adopter des enfants comme en France? tu crois qu'ils ont l'ombre du soupçon d'obtenir ça un jour au Maroc? pas tant que les alouites existent à mon avis. C'est pas dans le contrat passé entre la dynastie et le peuple. Le mariage gay au Maroc ça n'existe pas parce que ça ne peut exister dans le pays du commandeur des croyants. sans plus.
FAMILLE Un essai du jeune philosophe Thibaud Collin
Agrégé de philosophie, enseignant en classe préparatoire au lycée Stanislas et co-interviewer de Nicolas Sarkozy dans La République, les religions, l'espérance, Thibaud Collin publie un essai engagé contre le mariage gay.
Cela dit il est techniquement possible d'organiser un mariage Gay au Maroc. Voilà quelque chose dont la presse ne parle pas et dont il vaut mieux qu'elle ne parle pas d'ailleurs. C'est le genre de bêtises qui réveillent les foules.
Mariage gay dans un consulat européen au Maroc?: l'imbroglio juridique.
lundi 28 mai 2007
Girls and Guys.
I'm the BROTHER of all this prostitutes you've seeen in the telquel photo. And everywhere else. Each of them is my sister. People in he GCC don't repect my sisters, I despice them. Je les méprise pour ça. I don't care about the way my sisters earn their money. My sisters wouldn't be prostitutes if these Guys weren't FASSIQ. My sister are not Guilty. The GCC population is Guilty. I want my sisters to have law that protects them wherever they go, whatever they do. i'm every morrocn prostitute in this world (be she alive or dead) every single morrocan prostitute's BROTHER. You need to Know this. I don't care if Morrocan Girl are Prostitutes. I respect them because they are my SISTERS.
thanks Houda. What you're doing is as great as what zaynab has done. Don't leave this fight. We need to change the migrants GCC law. A lot of people think that it's impossible. I say no, it's pssible. Because the GCC country are very weak. Cause of the war on terror. They have too much things to work about, they can't afford a new breach (breche, opendoor, etc) in their communication policy. They'll pay to close it. And we'll ask for the changing in the Kafalla's law.
Just keep fighting, this is a communication era not a military one. we can Win. As a morrocan zaouia Moqademm (Dar Dmana, zaouia chadiliya Tayyibiya Mashishiya) , as the highest representative of my zaouia in Paris : i say that we need to give this fight. La3natu llaahi 3alaa Azzaalimine. This is an islamic fight. My zaouia is the Damen of it. This is a morrocan Fight. Ttis is a modern fight. This is a secular fight. Let's protect our migrants. let's help them. Let's be proud of them. No one should even dare molest them or hurt them.
I've been a migrant for the last 15 years. I know what's a migrant life. be it a student or a worker. I'll give my blood for every morrocan migrant in the earth. without any question. I'm A Muslim mujaahid 3ilm. If anyone try to tell that the kafaa's laws are islamic, i'll throw him to hell with my own hands, and i'll throw to the islamic hell all his Taa'ifa. and even his mazhab or his marji3ia.And even his false prophet, his false Coran and his false Allah.
Those who accept the Kafala system aren't muslims, they are MUNAFIQ. Tell it to the world. these guys aren't muslims. they are whatever they can hope to be, BUT NOT MUSLIMS.
THAT'S WHAT PROUD MORROCAN MUSLIM SAY. THE KAFFALA LAWS ARE NON-MODERN NON-SECULAR NON-ISLAMIC UN-JUST LAWS. Hel protect the Morrocan Migrants in The GCC. Morrocan would better go to Israel, there they have honnest laws.
Girls and Guys.
I'm the BROTHER of all this prostitutes you've seeen in the telquel photo. And everywhere else. Each of them is my sister. People in he GCC don't repect my sisters, I despice them. Je les méprise pour ça. I don't care about the way my sisters earn their money. My sisters wouldn't be prostitutes if these Guys weren't FASSIQ. My sister are not Guilty. The GCC population is Guilty. I want my sisters to have law that protects them wherever they go, whatever they do. i'm every morrocn prostitute in this world (be she alive or dead) every single morrocan prostitute's BROTHER. You need to Know this. I don't care if Morrocan Girl are Prostitutes. I respect them because they are my SISTERS.
thanks Houda. What you're doing is as great as what zaynab has done. Don't leave this fight. We need to change the migrants GCC law. A lot of people think that it's impossible. I say no, it's pssible. Because the GCC country are very weak. Cause of the war on terror. They have too much things to work about, they can't afford a new breach (breche, opendoor, etc) in their communication policy. They'll pay to close it. And we'll ask for the changing in the Kafalla's law.
Just keep fighting, this is a communication era not a military one. we can Win. As a morrocan zaouia Moqademm (Dar Dmana, zaouia chadiliya Tayyibiya Mashishiya) , as the highest representative of my zaouia in Paris : i say that we need to give this fight. La3natu llaahi 3alaa Azzaalimine. This is an islamic fight. My zaouia is the Damen of it. This is a morrocan Fight. Ttis is a modern fight. This is a secular fight. Let's protect our migrants. let's help them. Let's be proud of them. No one should even dare molest them or hurt them.
I've been a migrant for the last 15 years. I know what's a migrant life. be it a student or a worker. I'll give my blood for every morrocan migrant in the earth. without any question. I'm A Muslim mujaahid 3ilm. If anyone try to tell that the kafaa's laws are islamic, i'll throw him to hell with my own hands, and i'll throw to the islamic hell all his Taa'ifa. and even his mazhab or his marji3ia.And even his false prophet, his false Coran and his false Allah.
Those who accept the Kafala system aren't muslims, they are MUNAFIQ. Tell it to the world. these guys aren't muslims. they are whatever they can hope to be, BUT NOT MUSLIMS.
THAT'S WHAT PROUD MORROCAN MUSLIM SAY. THE KAFFALA LAWS ARE NON-MODERN NON-SECULAR NON-ISLAMIC UN-JUST LAWS. Hel protect the Morrocan Migrants in The GCC. Morrocan would better go to Israel, there they have honnest laws.
samedi 26 mai 2007
6:01pm Today | Edit Note | Delete
You should Poke her
Filed under: Uncategorized — by karel at 5:55 am on Tuesday, May 8, 2007
What’s a facebook poke, and why is it important?
Initially FB was very successful at helping people hook up, or find sex friends, which apparently is a big deal at Harvard. As I write in the book, the first version of mobile had an easter egg all about sending your room number if you’re in that mood.
So Poke was a way of showing interest. Now it seems no one know what it means, which is why it is the awesome yet tremendously underused feature.
Poke is: a) a temporary friendship, b) a high visibility and low pressure way of getting attention. As such, it has no conceptual rival in the social networking space. Facebook should promote it, so I go out of my way to revive Pokey. If you create a group dedicated to him, I’ll join it and promote it.
Pokes appear prominently in the top right of the “Home” page view, and don’t go away until you act. Poke allows the other party to see your profile, to gauge interest by themselves in contacting you, so a mutual poke is a temporary friendship. Since friending is rarely undone, even when it should be to prevent friend dilution, it is nice that the poke expiry requires no action. I’d like to be able to archive friends, the same way I’d like to archive FB messages, when I’m not actively involved with them.
Poke just means “look at me”, whenever you like. It’s nice and polite. Go forth, and Poke.
See this: i'm using my photo profile as a marketing tool
My NotesNotes about Me
See this: i'm using my photo profile as a marketing tool
6:35pm Today | Edit Note | Delete
Rest OftheWorld
5:06pm May 23rd
Hi xxx. Thank you for joining ten reason. I wan to make funny slogans in it's awll. Mat qish bladi was a shame. It wa a copy of the french touche pas à mon pote. I want better for morrocco.
Today at 5:50pm
Hi Rest Of the world, would u please specify or give me directions on how u want the slogan to be like. I'l be more than glad to give some suggestions. Sorry for the late reply.
Rest OftheWorld
Today at 6:06pm
let's make one for the rest for the rest of the world and then let's make a a slide-logo. seen any of my slides it will give u an idea. and i'm opened for any good idea. Just remember that this wil become the morrocan alternative inside facebook newspaper ;-)) at least we should hope que ça marche. ce ne serait pas un mauvais résultat que d'être une des sources d'infos qui comptent dans facebook. Qu'en penses tu ?
Today at 6:18pm
Ca marche. Je pense que le facebook est capable de reunir tous les marocains a létranger aussi bien quáu Maroc et donc il faut continuer a etre creatif pour que ce site soit non seulement une source dínfo mais aussi un espace ouvert pour les discussions constructives. Will try to do my best and get back to you at the earliest. Thnx for your endeavors by the way*****. I just added u now in my list of friends :)
I also put my comments on Zainab article translation about slavery in the middle east. A+
Rest OftheWorld
Today at 6:30pm
Great. We need as much people as possible to become a Rest Offtheworld friend. We need all to learn about facebook and how it function. comment ça marche. See this: i'm using the photo of the rest off the world profile as a tool for marketing. Do u see what i mean? we all could do this!!! let's become the first morrocan creative insidefacebook newspaper. Bi 'idni llaaahi
vendredi 25 mai 2007
It Just Don't Make sens at All. I'm still tryng to find a reason for it all
Ce que la psychologie ne dira jamais c'est que les êtres humains
vivent en groupe. Ce que la sociologie ne comprendra jamais c'est que
les hommes vivent seuls. C'est dans la plus haute solitude de l'âme, que
l'on peut entendre l'univers. What psychology will never say is that humain
being live in groups. What sociology will never understand is that
human being die alone.
In the loneliness of the heart only you can will find the universe.
It Just Don't Make sens at All. I'm still tryng to find a reason for
it all
lillaahi maa fi ssamaawaati wa maa fil'ard
Ce que la psychologie ne dira jamais c'est que les êtres humains
vivent en groupe. Ce que la sociologie ne comprendra jamais c'est que
les hommes vivent seuls. C'est dans la plus haute solitude de l'âme, que
l'on peut entendre l'univers. What psychology will never say is that humain
being live in groups. What sociology will never understand is that
human being die alone.
In the loneliness of the heart only you can will find the universe.
It Just Don't Make sens at All. I'm still tryng to find a reason for
it all
lillaahi maa fi ssamaawaati wa maa fil'ard
Essaouira: love that goes inside you like a tumour
Use Google analytic: analyse the Rest Of the world numbers.
Let us start by discovering the interest of Google analytic to determine the profile of a community Dear friends.
We will do a long journey together, and I want that we start right now to know each other. I hope that one day The Rest off the world ( will become the reference as regards to the Moroccan virtual community. Consequently I immediately will make as if we were billion readers of this blog. I will communicate to you some statistical data trés obligingly communicated by Google analytic.
- First of all the majority among you uses Fire Fox, then comes Internet, then comes Opera. Everyone is under Windows.
- Concerning Morocco in term of connections the Rbatis dominates. Besides, It's them who visit on average the biggest number of page ;-) and remain the longest ;-)) : 10 min. I have to acknowledge that it surprises me a bit. I hoped for more solidarity on behalf of people of north against the makhzen ;-)))
- the surmajority among you use DSL then Cable. here's the list of your acces,suppliers: ADSL subscriber - reduction and north morocoo, road runner holdco LLC, bresnan communications LLC, xdsl access and service provider in norway. This list is of course not closed since this blog starts to live its own life only since yesterday.
- Concerning the rest of the universe the greatest number of connections comes obviously from Morocco. it reassures me a little since a Moroccan blog must have a morrocan readership. However the majority of the entries approximately 60% are done through facebook. Rest seem to have an outrageoully dominant Rbati Readership. from every part of the world.
- Concerning the languages used, the us-English-custom dominates. It's followed by the French and immediately after by the very short English. The restoftheworldMoroccan facebookie community has obvusly an American tropism and it is French-speaking only to Thirty per cent approximately.
We will do a long journey together, and I want that we start right now to know each other. I hope that one day The Rest off the world ( will become the reference as regards to the Moroccan virtual community. Consequently I immediately will make as if we were billion readers of this blog. I will communicate to you some statistical data trés obligingly communicated by Google analytic.
- First of all the majority among you uses Fire Fox, then comes Internet, then comes Opera. Everyone is under Windows.
- Concerning Morocco in term of connections the Rbatis dominates. Besides, It's them who visit on average the biggest number of page ;-) and remain the longest ;-)) : 10 min. I have to acknowledge that it surprises me a bit. I hoped for more solidarity on behalf of people of north against the makhzen ;-)))
- the surmajority among you use DSL then Cable. here's the list of your acces,suppliers: ADSL subscriber - reduction and north morocoo, road runner holdco LLC, bresnan communications LLC, xdsl access and service provider in norway. This list is of course not closed since this blog starts to live its own life only since yesterday.
- Concerning the rest of the universe the greatest number of connections comes obviously from Morocco. it reassures me a little since a Moroccan blog must have a morrocan readership. However the majority of the entries approximately 60% are done through facebook. Rest seem to have an outrageoully dominant Rbati Readership. from every part of the world.
- Concerning the languages used, the us-English-custom dominates. It's followed by the French and immediately after by the very short English. The restoftheworldMoroccan facebookie community has obvusly an American tropism and it is French-speaking only to Thirty per cent approximately.
Commençons par découvrir l'interêt de Google analytic pour cerner le profil d'une communauté
Chers amis. Nous allons faire une longue route ensemble, et je veux que nous commencions d'ores et déjà nous connaître. j'ai l'espoir qu'un jour The Rest off the world ( puisse devenir la reference en matière de communauté virtuelle marocaine. En conséquence je vais tout de suite faire comme si nous étions des milliards de lecteurs de ce blog. Je vais vous communiquer quelques données statistiques trés obligeamment communiquées par Google analytic.
- Tout d'abord la majorité d'entre vous utilise Fire Fox, puis vient Internet explorer puis vient Opera. Tout le monde est sous Windows.
-S'agissant du Maroc en terme de connexions ce sont les Rbatis qui dominent. Ce sont d'ailleurs eux qui visitent en moyenne le plus de page (3) et restent le plus longtemps : 10 min. Ceci je l'avoue me surprend un peu, j'espérais plus de solidarité de la part des gens du nord. la surmajorité d'entre vous utilisent DSL puis trés loin aprés Cable.
- voici la liste de vos fournisseurs d'accés. : adsl subscriber - rabat and north morocoo, road runner holdco llc, bresnan communications llc, xdsl access and service provider in norway. Cette liste n'est bien entendu pas fermée puisque ce blog ne commence à vivre sa propre vie que depuis hier.
- s'agissant de l'univers le plus grand nombre de connexions vient évidemment du Maroc. Ce qui me rassure un peu puisque ce blog marocain doit tout de même avoir un lectorat du même nom. Toutefois la majorité des entrées 60% environ se fait au travers de facebook. Ce qui veut dire certainement plus de choses et notemment que Rest a un lectorat de facebooker marocain à dominante outrageusement Rbatie.
- s'agissant des langues utilisées, l'anglais-us est dominant suivi aprés par le français et tout de suite aprés par l'anglais tout court. La communauté facebookie therestoftheworld marocaine a donc un tropisme américain et elle n'est francophone qu'à Trente pour cents environ.
- Tout d'abord la majorité d'entre vous utilise Fire Fox, puis vient Internet explorer puis vient Opera. Tout le monde est sous Windows.
-S'agissant du Maroc en terme de connexions ce sont les Rbatis qui dominent. Ce sont d'ailleurs eux qui visitent en moyenne le plus de page (3) et restent le plus longtemps : 10 min. Ceci je l'avoue me surprend un peu, j'espérais plus de solidarité de la part des gens du nord. la surmajorité d'entre vous utilisent DSL puis trés loin aprés Cable.
- voici la liste de vos fournisseurs d'accés. : adsl subscriber - rabat and north morocoo, road runner holdco llc, bresnan communications llc, xdsl access and service provider in norway. Cette liste n'est bien entendu pas fermée puisque ce blog ne commence à vivre sa propre vie que depuis hier.
- s'agissant de l'univers le plus grand nombre de connexions vient évidemment du Maroc. Ce qui me rassure un peu puisque ce blog marocain doit tout de même avoir un lectorat du même nom. Toutefois la majorité des entrées 60% environ se fait au travers de facebook. Ce qui veut dire certainement plus de choses et notemment que Rest a un lectorat de facebooker marocain à dominante outrageusement Rbatie.
- s'agissant des langues utilisées, l'anglais-us est dominant suivi aprés par le français et tout de suite aprés par l'anglais tout court. La communauté facebookie therestoftheworld marocaine a donc un tropisme américain et elle n'est francophone qu'à Trente pour cents environ.
jeudi 24 mai 2007
Rahhaala sur internet
Je propose bi idnillaahi d'inventer un nouveau métier. le métier de Rahhaala sur internet. Un rahaala ce n'est pas qu'un voyageur. c'est un anthropologue, c'est un entomologue, c'est un géographe, c'est tant et tant de choses à la fois et bien plus que ce que Ibn Batouta a pu essayer de conter.
Le réseau est actuellement entre les mains des moteurs de recherche. Dés lors que vous cherchez une information brute vous y accéder sans peine. Mais si vous essayer d'aller au delà, de saisir une ambiance par exemple, si l'on veut disons apréhender un contexte, les moteurs de recherche sont inefficaces. Ce qu'il faut c'est un oeil humain et une irrationalité humaine: la curiosité. le plaisir de déambuler. les joies de la découverte.
Ce que j'invente ici je ne saurais dire si c'est mon métier ou un nouveau métier, mais je crois que par la volonté de dieu tout est possible. Wa tawwakaltu 3alaa llaahi
on posera donc la question de comment peut-on gagner sa vie en étant rahhaala. Il y a mille réponses, mais je n'en connais qu'une seule de valable: Riz"ukum fi ssamaa'i.
Petition to revoke the independence of the United States of America
Group InfoName:
Petition to revoke the independence of the United States of America
Type: Just for Outlandish Statements
To the citizens of the United States of America, in the light of your failure to elect a competent President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective today.
Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths and other territories.
Except Utah, which she does not fancy.
Your new Prime Minister (The Right Honourable Tony Blair MP, for the 97.85% of you who have until now been unaware that there is a world outside your borders) will appoint a Minister for America without the need for further elections.
The House of Representatives and the Senate will be disbanded.
A questionnaire will be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed. To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the following rules are introduced with immediate effect:
1. You should look up "revocation" in the Oxford English Dictionary. Then look up "aluminium." Check the pronunciation guide. You will be amazed at just how wrongly you have been pronouncing it.
The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as 'favour' and 'neighbour'; skipping the letter 'U' is nothing more than laziness on your part. Likewise, you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping half the letters.
You will end your love affair with the letter 'Z' (pronounced 'zed' not 'zee') and the suffix "ize" will be replaced by the suffix "ise."
You will learn that the suffix 'burgh' is pronounced 'burra' e.g. Edinburgh. You are welcome to re-spell Pittsburgh as 'Pittsberg' if you can't cope with correct pronunciation.
Generally, you should raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels. Look up “vocabulary." Using the same thirty seven words interspersed with filler noises such as "uhh", "like", and "you know" is an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication.
Look up "interspersed."
There will be no more 'bleeps' in the Jerry Springer show. If you're not old enough to cope with bad language then you shouldn't have chat shows. When you learn to develop your vocabulary, then you won't have to use bad language as often.
2. There is no such thing as "US English." We will let Microsoft know on your behalf. The Microsoft spell-checker will be adjusted to take account of the reinstated letter 'u' and the elimination of "-ize."
3. You should learn to distinguish the English and Australian accents. It really isn't that hard. English accents are not limited to cockney, upper-class twit or Mancunian (Daphne in Frasier).
You will also have to learn how to understand regional accents --- Scottish dramas such as "Taggart" will no longer be broadcast with subtitles.
While we're talking about regions, you must learn that there is no such place as Devonshire in England. The name of the county is "Devon." If you persist in calling it Devonshire, all American States will become "shires" e.g. Texasshire, Floridashire, Louisianashire.
4. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as the good guys. Hollywood will be required to cast English actors to play English characters.
British sit-coms such as "Men Behaving Badly" or "Red Dwarf" will not be re-cast and watered down for a wishy-washy American audience who can't cope with the humour of occasional political incorrectness. Popular British films such as the Italian Job and the Wicker Man should never be remade.
5. You should relearn your original national anthem, "God Save The Queen", but only after fully carrying out task 1. We would not want you to get confused and give up half way through.
6. You should stop playing American "football." There are other types of football such as Rugby, Aussie Rules & Gaelic football. However proper football - which will no longer be known as soccer, is the best known, most loved and most popular. What you refer to as American "football" is not a very good game.
The 2.15% of you who are aware that there is a world outside your borders may have noticed that no one else plays "American" football. You will no longer be allowed to play it, and should instead play proper football.
Initially, it would be best if you played with the girls. It is a difficult game. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play rugby (which is similar to American "football", but does not involve stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body armour like nancies).
We are hoping to get together at least a US Rugby sevens side by 2008.
You should stop playing baseball. It is not reasonable to host an event called the 'World Series' for a game which is not played outside of North America. Since only 2.15% of you are aware that there is a world beyond your borders, your error is understandable. Instead of baseball, you will be allowed to play a girls' game called "rounders," which is baseball without fancy team strip, oversized gloves, collector cards or hotdogs.
7. You will no longer be allowed to own or carry guns. You will no longer be allowed to own or carry anything more dangerous in public than a vegetable peeler. Because we don't believe you are sensible enough to handle potentially dangerous items, you will require a permit if you wish to carry a vegetable peeler in public.
8. The 4th of July is no longer a public holiday. The 2nd of November will be a new national holiday, but only in Britain. It will be called "Indecisive Day."
9. All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap, and it is for your own good. When we show you German cars, you will understand what we mean.
All road intersections will be replaced with roundabouts. You will start driving on the left with immediate effect. At the same time, you will go metric with immediate effect and without the benefit of conversion tables. Roundabouts and metrication will help you understand the British sense of humour.
10. You will learn to make real chips. Those things you call 'French fries' are not real chips. Fries aren't even French, they are Belgian though 97.85% of you (including the guy who discovered fries while in Europe) are not aware of a country called Belgium. Those things you insist on calling potato chips are properly called "crisps." Real chips are thick cut and fried in animal fat. The traditional accompaniment to chips is beer which should be served warm and flat.
Waitresses will be trained to be more aggressive with customers.
11. As a sign of penance 5 grams of sea salt per cup will be added to all tea made within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, this quantity to be doubled for tea made within the city of Boston itself.
12. The cold tasteless stuff you insist on calling "beer" is not actually beer at all, it is lager . From November 1st only proper British Bitter will be referred to as "beer," and European brews of known and accepted provenance will be referred to as "Lager." The substances formerly known as "American Beer" will henceforth be referred to as "Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine," with the exception of the product of the American Budweiser company whose product will be referred to as "Weak Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine." This will allow true Budweiser (as manufactured for the last 1000 years in the Czech Republic) to be sold without risk of confusion.
13. From the 10th of November the UK will harmonise petrol (or "gasoline," as you will be permitted to keep calling it until the 1st of April) prices with the former USA. The UK will harmonise its prices to those of the former USA and the Former USA will, in return, adopt UK petrol prices (roughly $6/US gallon -- get used to it).
14. You will learn to resolve personal issues without using guns, lawyers or therapists. The fact that you need so many lawyers and therapists shows that you're not adult enough to be independent. Guns should only be handled by adults. If you're not adult enough to sort things out without suing someone or speaking to a therapist, then you're not grown up enough to handle a gun.
15. Please tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us crazy.
16. Tax collectors from Her Majesty's Government will be with you shortly to ensure the acquisition of all revenues due (backdated to 1776).
Thank you for your co-operation.
Contact InfoWebsite:
Office: Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Street: King James Street
City: London, England
Recent News
Just to make clear for any (blindly) patriotic people - This group is in jest. It's just for a laugh - a joke! Note that the group type is "Just for Fun - Outlandish Statements".
I can't make it any clearer than I already have done. This isn't a political group or an Iraq war protest group.
"Defining and analysing humour is a pastime of humourless people." Robert Benchley
"When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him." Thomas Szasz, from the book "The Second Sin"
A response/rebuttal to this group can be found here:
I've had a few messages saying that this was written by John Cleese. I originally thought so and did credit it to him. However I was informed of this website:
which gives some strong evidence that it was not. Additionally, there is a rebuttal on this website. Decide for yourselves if it is actually sticking up for the Americans rather than making fun of them...
Yeah it's an old game. But great entertainment nonetheless:
Message from Lane Sobehrad (Southwestern):
"I'd just like to convey a message to all my fellow Americans who posted on this wall: you're proving the stereotypes illustrated in the above statements by posting comments that appear as if you had a mental disability. Please stop. Quit being so easily offended, and if you have a thought, maybe it should stay as one."
The reason she made this message was due to messages on the wall similar to the those on the Wall of Shame below.
----- WALL OF SHAME -----
This is reserved for the most entertaining comments made in the group. I should have started this a while ago but better late than never.
Eric Stauffer (Cedar Crest High School):
"hey you fuckbags, what is wrong with America helping the world, why don't you get off your fucking British asses and do something you fucking cock sucking assholes, and why the fuck should we keep San Fransico? I think that we would want to kill all the fags of the world in one shot, fuck you, you fucking douschebags, go suck a huge American cock, because we role the fucking world, suck on it, you fuckbags."
Kelsey Brunts (Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School):
"how do you plan to govern the US when you can't even handle Ireland?"
Chase Cavayero (American Heritage):
"So you pussy ass British Bitches, I take it that not one person in the poor excuse of a country that England is, has dental insurance. I am also quite sure that you are all still very upset after getting raped a new asshole in the revoloutionary war. I am also positive that not one of you over crazed SOCCER not FOOTBALL fans could step on the field at any level of a competetive football game and not piss in your knickers or w/e the hel u where. So good luck healing that sore asshole"
Juan Calderón (UT Arlington):
"...It's known as a "gun." Your people were quite proficient at using them for hundreds of years until, in the most amazing case of devolution known to mankind, the testicles of every British male retreated into their abdominal cavities and knowledge of these tools vanished from the nation.
...I use British words to make sure you people understand what I'm saying, as you all seem to have a problem understanding words not commonly used in and around Londonistan...
...your mother was a little loose last night. Tell her that she can only work at the whorehouse every other night."
Bryan Kahn (West High):
"Things I don't particularly enjoy about Britain:
-Some of the words you guys use in British English are kind of stupid, to be honest. I mean, come on, "bobby" for cop? If you said the term "bobby" in the US, either people would think ur talking about a male or a pin. "water closet" or "loo" for bathroom/restroom? what the fuck?
-Gun control.
Guns are tight. Why the fuck did you have to ban them? Maybe if you had concealed carry there wouldn't be so many damn assaults and burglaries and other gunless crimes that are on the rise. Put the criminals at bay.
Tea is gross! That's all I'm gonna say. And wtf are crumpets? Are they biscuits or a cookie or what?
-The fact that your House of Commons is pathetic as a governing body. I dunno about the House of Lords, but the House of Commons looks sucky. I watch that shit on C-SPAN, and it seems all the reps do is complain to the Prime Minister, and he responds.
-Unwritten constitution. WTF is this? How do you have a Constitution that is "unwritten"? Does everyone just memorize everything in the Constitution, or is it short so it's easy to be unwritten? Ya know, if you guys had written the Constitution like we and other countries have, you may not be in as many messes as you are now. Write your own Constitution with a bill of rights already! Seal the deal. You've been a constitutional monarchy for 100s of years. You started with the Magna Carter and other documents, but you never actually made an official constitution to finish it. Come on!
-Brits' worshipping of the queen. It disgusts me and other Americans, I'm sure. Hell, she's not even a celebrity. At least in America, certain stupid Americans worship celebrities who actually have talent, such as acting or music. Your queen is just a ceremonial figurehead who makes random public appearances and just happened to succeed her predecessor.
-Universal health care
I don't care how successful your health care system may be or how successful you think it is, a private system still kicks ass. Why would I want the gov't to step in and take total control and make me pay for someone else's care? That's bullshit. Plus, I don't want a long waiting period to get care. Not to mention taxes are probably outrageously high to pay for the healthcare.
-High taxes
No way in hell I'm paying $5/gallon for gas. I'm also not gonna take an income tax rate over 50%. That's absurd."
Nick Bergman (Springfield, MO):
"So tell me how does it feel that half of the people in your country are muslim. if i was you i wouldnt ride any buses, or take the underground."
Lindsey Greenlun (St. Cloud):
"..who is kofi annan??"
Chase Williams (St. Charles High School):
"Well it seems to me james that you are unable to accept that america is the greatest country in the world, perhaps this is the reason people from other countries, ENGLAND, feel the need to try and bring us down to their level, not gonna happen."
"16???? im 11 years old pal, was advanced 4 grades so far, thats because americans are smart, real smart"
"listen conrad, its like this, im similar to id say theo walcott, hes got mad skillz but he doesnt have to show them off, people just know, similar to how they know im a super genuis at 11 years old"
Casey Johnson (Simpson):
"Listen up you English queers, America has kicked/saved your ass so many times that its sad. England itself has become little more than a liberal cess-pool, filled to the brim with ifeminant queers."
"EHHHHH BUGGER OFF MATES!!! DERRRRR MATES! I'M AN ENGLISH PRICK WITH BAD TEETH AND A SUPERIORITY COMPLEX! P.S. I recently had the displeasure of fucking the queen and I now have herpies. If only Princess Diana were still alive. She was a fine piece of ass, but then again she was also a dirty slut soo.."
"So how about those fifteen British sailors and marines. Cowards, the lot of 'em. I wish that Britain would just pull out of the war already if you "buggers" intend on disgracing the cause in such a way."
Jon Bigelow (Pulaski Junior - Senior High School):
"Fuck every single one of you. ur just all bitchin cuz the United States is the best damn country in the world and u hav a problem with it. I say, go back to ur little ass, piece of shit country and start a petition to not make ur country such a shithole, and quit bitchin about the United States. You can take ur petition and shove it up your ASS.
P.S. The United States is better than any of your little-stupid-bitch filled countries. How bout' I make a petition to make all of the worthless countries shut the fuck up about the United States, its not our fault that u suck and were better than u."
Connor McKenzie (Wauwatosa East High School):
Chris Redwood (United States Air Force):
"Get out of my country you crumpet eating wankers"
Jerry (aka Gerald) Kassin (E. Michigan):
"Gordon, every democratic nation on earth is based on the example of the US"
"...Unlike brits, americans actually are somewhat aware of politics outside of our borders"
Chris Cronin (St. Edwards):
"um, democracies don't have queens."
Sam Ash Croft (Switzerland):
"you fucking british fags think you can make some group which gets rid of america well yuo cant cos we have more bombs than you and we're not such big pussies as you that we would not use them.
another thing that pisses me of is how you people dont realise how gay and faggotish you all are. I went to europe once and to britain and everyone there was a fucking mutha fucking shitbag"
Mel Berhane (Wake Forest):
"what the fuck is a "pillock""
"bright young americans such as myself"
"btw, you should probably repay us for the marshall plan"
"we didn't have to go to kosovo or somalia either...we are a moral superpower, something your lot knows absolutely nothing about"
Bear Jacobsen (Berkeley High):
"All you brits are just mad because we mopped the floor with you bitches in the revolutionary war.
Who needs maturity? how does it help anyone. Maybe you should get the sperm out of your eyes and realize that the usa is the best country to live in.
haha at least america has freedom of speech. Fucking magna carta can suck my dick."
Ciara Horne (Newton County High School):
"i'm sorry America's not full of pretty people LIKE THE UK!!!!
who are you people
and better yet
who are YOU to judge?
ya'll are so fuck'n stupid....yeah, yeah come on make fun of how smart i am...
Doug Burrell (Texas A&M):
"i've got an idea. how about we stop carrying you on our backs like a bunch of spoiled children that you are. i don't believe the english are aware of the word work and what it means. our country is PC... you're the ones who can't keep crazy fucking terrorist muslims from running your country. while they may not be in politics, they do dictate it. i'll give you football, as i am a diehard liverpool supporter. but there are only a few english who play for them, and their skipper's from spain as well. and what the fuck have you done to the english language, because i can't understand a word that comes out of your mouths, all that cockney bull crap. and while we're on the subject of mouths, why don't you collect a few smarties over there and ship 'em here for some dental training, because your country is seriously in need of a few million sets of porcelain veneers. cricket, what the fuck is cricket anyways... and how many of your 'cricketeers' would dare stand in the way of a 105 mph, not kph fastball from the fingers of randy johnson. why is it that you have to import all your footballers anyways, are english footballers not good enough? and you know good and damn well that if all our best athletes were footballers, there would be no chance for anyone in the world cup, save maybe brazil. and the whole 'zed' thing really is fucking stupid. come on, who made that shit up. we don't say ned, or ped, or even med, so why the fuck would we say 'zed'? thank you for your time."
"last time... skipper=rafael benitez, skipper=fergie, skipper=jose mourino. skipper does not equal team captain. geez, don't you guys watch football at all?"
James Tierney (Fordham):
Garrett Gunchick (Abilene Christian):
"In the early 20th century, the 19th century, 18th century (basically since the end of the English civil war) the world has seen the English (yes Whales and Scotts) as total badasses.
It now seems like the majority of your country (at least the WHOLE Conservative party and a good chunk on the Labour party) have bought into this new pacifistic Liberalism that I thought got killed off by Chamberlin.
Why do so many Brits just wanna roll over and play dead? 1/3 of our country in Muslim now....who cares type of attitude?"
NOTE from Admin: Whales as in the country Wales!
Yerushalaim Shel Zahav al Qudsu azzahabiya
Yerushalaim Shel Zahav / Jerusalem of Gold
Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem.
al Qudsu azzahabiya
Jerushlem mina zzahab .
Ummii wa law kaanat 3izamu...
ma mère même s'il n'en reste que des os...
Mum, you're My Yerushalaim, i dedicate this music to your memory.
Zahraa'u yaa faatimu.
As a muslim i'm pro-submission, which is the meaning of the word islam. As a morroccan i'm neither pro-israelis nore pro-palestinians. Wars has to happen and that's why people are greedy. Basically i don't trust the israelly but i don't trust the palestinian too. And i read both of them. I only trust people when i meet them. i never trust them on their words. You could be a palestinian as i could be an israeli. Who knows? can you tell me? on internet there is no administratively defined identity. there are only words. if you're a jewish let's see it. If i'm a muslim let's see it. that's the way i use to talk when i enter jewish groups. i'm kind of a mystic.
600,000 Jews' Wall:
I'm like tears in your eyes
Salwa S. A.
Today at 1:41pm
Hi everyone,
please report this group, it's an insult to Morocco and to Moroccan ladies:
What's a facebook Network?
i think that things are taking shape. les choses prennent forme. My proposal is to make this forum a place to discuss the new facebook information era.
Now what is the Project Restofftheworld?
Does anyone knows. Even myself?
1- it's a newsfeed
2- it's morrocan
3- it's anglophone and partly francophone
4- it's made inside/towards facebook
5- it's a new media with new tools not discovered yet.
What's a facebook Network?
1- a place to meet
2- a place to sell
3- a place to buy
4- a place to see
5- a place to hear (soon may be)
please feel free to write on this wall. whatever you want it has something to do with the rest of the world.
I'm from Morrocco. Yes it's located in Africa, no it's very far form mongolia. No we don't burry our women alive yes we do love them no we have beautifull beaches yes we have a mountain call toubkal No we're not in arizona yes morrocco is a free country no we are not terrorists yes we are muslims no we do not trade wemens yes we do poduce some phosphate no we're very kind and gentle and sometime smart yes we're morrocan because we feel lucky....
Why did you come to the rest of the world? i don't know myself why i created it. But i think that it can become a nice place to discuss about general matters that count for the arab muslim christian and jewish and even for the others and even the Non-arab. This means that the restofftheworld is.... the Rest Of The World ;-))
i think that things are taking shape. les choses prennent forme. My proposal is to make this forum a place to discuss the new facebook information era.
Now what is the Project Restofftheworld?
Does anyone knows. Even myself?
1- it's a newsfeed
2- it's morrocan
3- it's anglophone and partly francophone
4- it's made inside/towards facebook
5- it's a new media with new tools not discovered yet.
What's a facebook Network?
1- a place to meet
2- a place to sell
3- a place to buy
4- a place to see
5- a place to hear (soon may be)
please feel free to write on this wall. whatever you want it has something to do with the rest of the world.
I'm from Morrocco. Yes it's located in Africa, no it's very far form mongolia. No we don't burry our women alive yes we do love them no we have beautifull beaches yes we have a mountain call toubkal No we're not in arizona yes morrocco is a free country no we are not terrorists yes we are muslims no we do not trade wemens yes we do poduce some phosphate no we're very kind and gentle and sometime smart yes we're morrocan because we feel lucky....
Why did you come to the rest of the world? i don't know myself why i created it. But i think that it can become a nice place to discuss about general matters that count for the arab muslim christian and jewish and even for the others and even the Non-arab. This means that the restofftheworld is.... the Rest Of The World ;-))
Chomsky on the "many-to-many model of communications" (quote only)
Has the Internet Changed the Propaganda Model? - Center for Media and Democracy
Chomsky on the "many-to-many model of communications" (quote only)
These were the technologies and political forces that defined the media when Manufacturing Consent was written. In 1988, cable and satellite television had only recently emerged as important media and were only briefly mentioned in the text of the book, while the internet was not mentioned at all.
A many-to-many model of communications
Today, in place of "broadcasting" we hear increasingly of "narrowcasting." Rather than a single mass audience consuming the same broadcast information, we have multiple audiences, interests, and information channels. The emergence of new communications media challenge the propaganda/broadcast model by increasing the number of channels through which information reaches the public, and also by lowering the costs of entry to previously-excluded voices. On the internet in particular, blogging, virally-distributed email and collaboratively-written wikis have changed the traditional distinction between "broadcaster" and "audience." Instead of relying on "one-to-many" broadcasts, people can now get information through "one-to-one" and "many-to-many" systems in which they themselves choose and create their own media from diverse sources.
Looking for the Messiah » Jewish World » Jewish Features » Article
May. 22, 2007 6:42 | Updated May. 22, 2007 10:35
Looking for the Messiah
THIS IS A GREAT TEXT. Geopolitics made clear by a Rabbi ... you should read it, really. Muslims and Jewish. Interfaith dialogue means Knowing your friend from inside. It means that you pay interest to what he thinks, to what he says about the world from his own point of view. Even if it contracdicts your own thoughts. Even in time of wars. What make us Muslim and Jewish is much more important than what make us zionnist or pro-palestinian. Remember this paper, it talks about the way can look for the Messiah. What does Messiah mean for a jew? do u know? is it important to know? What does Masih means for muslim? let's think about it. Let's try to know ourselves a little bit better. let's read and comment this article.
The Rest Of The World
Global Information
Group InfoName: The Rest Of The World
Type: Common Interest - Current Events
Virtual communities are the future of the Internet. In other terms, virtual communities are the next continent to explore. There are more people meeting in Facebook than people living in Australia. There are many things that happen on virtual communities. People talk, chat, make new friends, meet old friends, exchange pictures ... but things already have changed.
People are spending more time on the net, their laptop is becoming their new best friend, they are travelling to new worlds in the comfort of their own seat, they check their messages more than they check their hair.
But who knows what's happening over there?
How can we help them be informed about what's happening in their communities, in their networks? In other networks? Internet is a real opportunity for people to meet and discover themselves, surpassing cultural and geographical boundaries. But people won't do it themselves. They don't have time. They just connect to do their own thing.
While doing that, they can also get a dose of content. Our newspaper, inside Facebook, can be a meeting place where people from all over the world can share anything. They need help for here comes the Rest Of The World
The Rest Of The World is anyone except yourself. If the virtual communities are a new continent, they need a new kind of journalism, a new way of writing, a new way for presenting information, ... etc. At the moment, the press interest in the virtual community is merely a technological one. It is interested in the new software, the new businesses, the new equipment. But no one seem to be really interested in what is new over there.
As long as we consider the virtual communities as the new continent to explore for this century, we will not really pay attention to what happens in the real word. We will only focus on what people talk about, what they chat about, what they create, what makes them laugh, what despairs them, as a whole, what they share in the Facebook continent. There will be nothing else except Facebook. At the same time, we will discover that what goes around Facebook, goes around the world. Facebook is a mirror of the world on a smaller scale.
Our journal can play as a social interpreter. It can help bridge the gap among the deep cultural differences lying under the surface similarities. That's why we want to cover the whole Facebook community all around the world. We want to become an international Internet Facebook's journal, news-fed by its members for its members.
Contact InfoEmail:
Office: Around the world!
City: Silicon Valley, CA
'The' Top Ten Reasons why I support MORROCCO
Global Information
Group InfoName: 'The' Top Ten Reasons why I support MORROCCO
Type: Common Interest - Beliefs & Causes
1) Because Morocco is a Muslim democracy, the only one in the Muslim/ Arab world. It provides a model for future Muslim and Arab democracies in the region.
2) Because Morocco preserves and has made accessible the holiest sites of all religions (Look at Morocco’s tolerance and progressiveness for safe pilgrimage to holy sites and compare it to its neighbors). Morocco also protects the rights of all its citizens- regardless of race, religion, culture, or sexual orientation (no other country in the Muslim/ Arab world can attest to this)
3) I love the tagines, the pastilla, the mruziya, the skhina, the dfina, kefta, the best dairy products in the world, the beautiful beaches, the wonderful music, the smiles you get when trying to fake a Moroccan accent, the amazing night and day life, and the people. Period.
4) Because Moroccans have sovereignty over their homeland (from Tangiers to La Gouira) and embrace their diversity whether Amazigh, Arab, or else
5) Because I’m an American. My values- democracy, love of freedom, commitment to education, pursuit of peace and happiness, success in a multi-cultural environment, and love for mankind- are synonymous with what truly makes a Morrocan.
6) Because of its cutting-edge technology. Without Morocco, I couldn’t use AOL instant messaging (developed by four young Moroccan Israelis in 1996). You like my new air-conditioned motorcycle? Made by a Moroccan Israeli, biotch.
7) Because the only wars we're concerned with are the ones against poverty, illiteracy and terrorism (occasionally).
8) some words: Moulay Abslam Ibn Mashish, Rabbi Amrane Ben Diwane
9) Because it holds the holiest places in Moroccan Sufism and in Sephardic Judaism
10) Because it's ours, and we welcome everyone!
Whether you're white or black, green or orange, religious or secular, gay, straight, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Latino, African, Asian, Indian or European, etc... We can all agree that a world without Morocco would be meaningless.
I created this group because many people think Morocco is something not related to their lives. If you ever thought about this, then read the list again. Fight ignorance.
(Nicely edited and reviewd by zainab SR, thanks for the help Zaynab)
Group InfoName: Morrocco CREATIVITY MARKET PLACE mcmp.
Type: Business - Marketing & Advertising
Description: This is THE place to be if you have any kind of creativity to sell.
Our creativity is a Moroccan one. Most of us speak three languages. Most of us have made the best studies. We're the brightest. the crème de la crème. If you want to work in Morrocco, you need us. We're at least bilingual. If you need us to work in the Muslim world we're ready. We're Muslim anyway. We don't care where we work in this earth. We don't know where we'll die either. We're ready for any country you choose. We just give you one promise: we will always sell you our really expensive Morrocan special insight. Then you'll know why U should feel lucky.
Contact InfoWebsite:
Office: You don't need to applie to become morroccan @ YOU ONLY NEED TO FEEL LUCKY. .
Street: N° virtual reality AVENUE DU ROI MOHAMMED VI MAROC
City: Tangier
I have a libertarian economic theory and i want you to make money with it. Here is it: "I didn't ask to be Moroccan...i just got lucky!". Now we could talk about it, but best doing: HIRE ME. I'M A PROUD MORROCAN. All the member of this group are proud to be MORROCCAN. Now we're here to make money and fun: in the name of god. Every LAA ILAAHA ILLA LLA on this earth; EVERY NAME OF GOD ON THIS EARTH. Don't talk with us about politics. We're professionals and we openly work every where in the world. Some of us are jewish other are muslim we don't care about the religions of each other:
If you have a Word We Are The Best.
We are THE people of MORROCCO from the 3laWite KINGDOM in the North Ouest of AFRICA.
I'm from Morrocco. Yes it's located in Africa, no it's very far form mongolia. No we don't burry our women alive yes we do love them no we have beautifull beaches yes we have a mountain call toubkal No we're not in arizona yes morrocco is a free country no we are not terrorists yes we are muslims no we do not trade wemens yes we do poduce some phosphate no we're very kind and gentle and sometime smart yes we're morrocan because we feel lucky....
First of all: This is the Morroccan FaceBook Colony. THIS IS A DEFENITLY COST FREE PLACE. Second: Good news! You don't need to applie to become morroccan.
The competency market comprises activities like scheduling, planning, recruitment, selection, training and compensation. These activities are usually supervised by the human resource management unit, which can be perceived as a mediator between the activity demand of competencies and actor supply. However,it is important that all parties in the marketplace share a common vocabulary and semantic model so that negotiation is possible.
I'm Hicham Ouazzani. Rest oftheworld is my new nom de plume. The last one was jean santerre and i'm the co-founder of alternative online newspaper recently quoted by le Monde Miplomatique. I'm a sufi muslim and a libertarian .
i've just created the first free for all creativity market place. As a libertarian. This is my fight. I can answer to any question, i have written and translated hundred of pages . And this is the fight i choose as a Libertarian. Liberate on face book the creativity market place. Guys, this is about peace and freedom: let's liberate the creativity market place.
Let's discover a libertarian way to sell ours competencies at the best prices compagnies can pay. Because Morrocco is an islamic-jewish country, this place will become the interfaith diaologue place.
IN GOD WE TRUST. and feel lucky.....
Hi Guy: let's try something. We're gonna try to use the facebook marketplace function as one to sell competencies and creativity. How should we do? un peu de débruille à la marocaine les gars, pas des usines à pétrole. A bit of creativity guys. We need to use the system we already have.
Hi, i'm HICHAM OUAZZANI. The Rest of The World's Editor.
This is The new alternative and liberal journal
Inside/From The Morrocan facebook Network.
If u agree to have this newsfeeder IN your info-feed just add The Rest Of The World As a Friend or an Rss feed or widget it.
mercredi 23 mai 2007
The very powerful kafil
The Morrocan Facebook Network needs help
The very powerful kafil
To work in saudi arabia and in certain number of the Golf Countries you need a Saudi (or local) sponsor (kafil) who stands as guarantor for you as an immigrant, enabling you to obtain the precious residence permit (iqama). This procedure has generated a whole new line of business: it is not unknown for Saudis to sell the visas of which they are the nominal holders, and in exchange take a percentage of whatever the immigrant goes on to earn.
If there is a common denominator well between the countries of the Gulf, it is the institution of the kafil. To settle and work in one of these countries, any foreigner, even Arab, must have a kafil, a tutor who is used as interface between the company of reception and him and protects juridically it. This institution applies as much to the men as with the women. The supervision, or kafala, can be exerted by a person or entity.
As they go to work in the countries of the Gulf as hairdressers or hostesses, thousands of Morrocan women are found sequestered, beaten and forced to prostitute.the institution of the kafil, which is not even a religious institution is the one that allows the illegal and tyrannical abuses against the migrants in general and the morrocan women in particular.
We at the Facebook morrocan community have decided that it was time to wage an international campaign against these non islamic non democratic unhuman laws. Please help us. This campaign is for the benefits of all the world migrant. It's the US Government as the government of the free migrant country that has to take the lead of this campaign. Let him know. This is the best way to show that America cares about the muslim workers.
Join this group, this is a shame:
Rest oftheworld is a morrocan facebook community journal
mercredi 16 mai 2007
"let all be lesbian"
"let all be lesbian"
so : a group of israelis bachelorette made a bachelorette group called "let all be lesbian" (really i'm not kidding, i'll give you the adress). a little group. it has only 25 members for the moment. they don't seem to be lesbian, they just meant that the group should be a women's group. (at least that's what i undestood may be i'm wrong-may be i'm gay).
Tali didn't put too much pics, she didnt want people to get "the wrong impression and really think im a lezbian :-/" . but she knows that "The pic doesnt mean anything :)". Ruth decided to become a lesbian 2 months ago (what a bad idea, Ruth) when she found out there were "no normal guys in this world...". She seems to be desperate (not a housewife of course, too young for that), but she has a nice smile.
Then came a guy. Noam. An awfull guy. he told Tally that off course she hab been silly to think that they were no more normal gus. He told it in his mens's manner, superior, immodest and narcissik way: "well (just imagine how he said well) maybe u just didnt look in the right place...its like saying there r no good girls in the world...". and adding insult to perjury he added: "...and i also agree we should all bt lesbians!"!!!
What the hell is this? "Y IS THERE A GUY IN THIS GROUP?!?!?" said the desperates shira? (ouaou, look at her photo, it's really funny and well done). Of course there are thing that women does'tt like to say with a guy in the group: "and it isnt like saying there r no good girls in the world. added Shira, a bit confused: ALL GIRLS IN THIS WORLD ARE GOOD!!!the guys have enuf problems of their own 2make up 4 both sexes".
Of course Noam is obstinate. as all the boys he considers that he has the right to be where he is. And the girls should stay silent and listen to him. may be love him or give him a kiss. at least they shoul aplause him when he talks. then came the eternal Tali: at 10:02am, she said: "Noam! Your a guy! Leave this group". and Noam left the group.
Hey Noam, don't go to the gays group, please, stay here!!!! ;-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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