"let all be lesbian"
so : a group of israelis bachelorette made a bachelorette group called "let all be lesbian" (really i'm not kidding, i'll give you the adress). a little group. it has only 25 members for the moment. they don't seem to be lesbian, they just meant that the group should be a women's group. (at least that's what i undestood may be i'm wrong-may be i'm gay).
Tali didn't put too much pics, she didnt want people to get "the wrong impression and really think im a lezbian :-/" . but she knows that "The pic doesnt mean anything :)". Ruth decided to become a lesbian 2 months ago (what a bad idea, Ruth) when she found out there were "no normal guys in this world...". She seems to be desperate (not a housewife of course, too young for that), but she has a nice smile.
Then came a guy. Noam. An awfull guy. he told Tally that off course she hab been silly to think that they were no more normal gus. He told it in his mens's manner, superior, immodest and narcissik way: "well (just imagine how he said well) maybe u just didnt look in the right place...its like saying there r no good girls in the world...". and adding insult to perjury he added: "...and i also agree we should all bt lesbians!"!!!
What the hell is this? "Y IS THERE A GUY IN THIS GROUP?!?!?" said the desperates shira? (ouaou, look at her photo, it's really funny and well done). Of course there are thing that women does'tt like to say with a guy in the group: "and it isnt like saying there r no good girls in the world. added Shira, a bit confused: ALL GIRLS IN THIS WORLD ARE GOOD!!!the guys have enuf problems of their own 2make up 4 both sexes".
Of course Noam is obstinate. as all the boys he considers that he has the right to be where he is. And the girls should stay silent and listen to him. may be love him or give him a kiss. at least they shoul aplause him when he talks. then came the eternal Tali: at 10:02am, she said: "Noam! Your a guy! Leave this group". and Noam left the group.
Hey Noam, don't go to the gays group, please, stay here!!!! ;-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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