We will do a long journey together, and I want that we start right now to know each other. I hope that one day The Rest off the world (http://therestofftheworld.blogspot.com/) will become the reference as regards

- First of all the majority among you uses Fire Fox, then comes Internet, then comes Opera. Everyone is under Windows.
- Concerning Morocco in term of connections the Rbatis dominates. Besides, It's them who visit on average the biggest number of page ;-) and remain the longest ;-)) : 10 min. I have to acknowledge that it surprises me a bit. I hoped for more solidarity on behalf of people of north against the makhzen ;-)))
- the surmajority among you use DSL then Cable. here's the list of your acces,suppliers: ADSL subscriber - reduction and north morocoo, road runner holdco LLC, bresnan communications LLC, xdsl access and service provider in norway. This list is of course not closed since this blog starts to live its own life only since yesterday.
- Concerning the rest of the universe the greatest number of connections comes obviously from Morocco. it reassures me a little since a Moroccan blog must have a morrocan readership. However the majority of the entries approximately 60% are done through facebook. Rest seem to have an outrageoully dominant Rbati Readership. from every part of the world.
- Concerning the languages used, the us-English-custom dominates. It's followed by the French and immediately after by the very short English. The restoftheworldMoroccan facebookie community has obvusly an American tropism and it is French-speaking only to Thirty per cent approximately.
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