Global Information
Group InfoName: The Rest Of The World
Type: Common Interest - Current Events
Virtual communities are the future of the Internet. In other terms, virtual communities are the next continent to explore. There are more people meeting in Facebook than people living in Australia. There are many things that happen on virtual communities. People talk, chat, make new friends, meet old friends, exchange pictures ... but things already have changed.
People are spending more time on the net, their laptop is becoming their new best friend, they are travelling to new worlds in the comfort of their own seat, they check their messages more than they check their hair.
But who knows what's happening over there?
How can we help them be informed about what's happening in their communities, in their networks? In other networks? Internet is a real opportunity for people to meet and discover themselves, surpassing cultural and geographical boundaries. But people won't do it themselves. They don't have time. They just connect to do their own thing.
While doing that, they can also get a dose of content. Our newspaper, inside Facebook, can be a meeting place where people from all over the world can share anything. They need help for here comes the Rest Of The World
The Rest Of The World is anyone except yourself. If the virtual communities are a new continent, they need a new kind of journalism, a new way of writing, a new way for presenting information, ... etc. At the moment, the press interest in the virtual community is merely a technological one. It is interested in the new software, the new businesses, the new equipment. But no one seem to be really interested in what is new over there.
As long as we consider the virtual communities as the new continent to explore for this century, we will not really pay attention to what happens in the real word. We will only focus on what people talk about, what they chat about, what they create, what makes them laugh, what despairs them, as a whole, what they share in the Facebook continent. There will be nothing else except Facebook. At the same time, we will discover that what goes around Facebook, goes around the world. Facebook is a mirror of the world on a smaller scale.
Our journal can play as a social interpreter. It can help bridge the gap among the deep cultural differences lying under the surface similarities. That's why we want to cover the whole Facebook community all around the world. We want to become an international Internet Facebook's journal, news-fed by its members for its members.
Contact InfoEmail: therest0fftheworld@yahoo.com
Website: http://therestofftheworld.blogspot.com/
Office: Around the world!
City: Silicon Valley, CA
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