------------------------------ SUBJECT: -----------------------------
Between You and Ahmed El-Diftar
Ahmed El-Diftar
9:41pm June 9th
=======================> fuck you <=================================
Rest OftheWorld
Today at 7:18am
ahmed le cahier. et ça sert à écrire des mots pareils ?
i'm ur proud servant of course, sir. I hope you enjoyed my post. of course, i could have be a little more polite. I shouldn't have talk with ur ass as i did. You know. I'm arab. I love your kind of ass. I'm not gay of course. It's just that i's a god creation and that's why i loved to contemplate yours.
i could have contemplated your mum's ass or your wife's ass. or you sister's ass. or ur brother's ass. Or ur cousin's ass. or your neighbour's ass. or your girlfriend's ass. Or ur father's ass.
I tried. But sorry. It smelled too bad. Your's was clean. That's why i fucked you.
With all due respect.
================= ASS HOLE =================
-----------------------------Ahmed El-Diftar------------------------
Today at 8:44am
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hahahah your the biggest fucking fag i've ever fucking talked to in my life...... how fucking old are you anyways? cuz "with all due respect" you sound like your fucking 8
-------------------------------Rest OftheWorld-----------------------------
Today at 8:54am
i'm 37.
why did u tell me fuck u ? i don't even know you.
-------------------------Ahmed El-Diftar-------------------------------
Today at 8:58am
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don't fucking try to act stupid with me, i know what you fucking did...and i know who you are also, and as god is my witness i will punish you for what you did. you can bet on that
---------------------------------Rest OftheWorld------------------------------
Today at 9:04am
ok. Punish me. Were in a free spech world anyway. It won't be easy. I hope you're smart enough. Cause if not i'll fuck u. With all due respect. of course. Now little fucking monkey, just think about this: you're a fucking stupid monkey. No more. May be less.
By the hell, the angels i you're fucking as: are u really able to write more that a f. word: how much is it:4 letters ? is it all u can read say and understand ? Even a stupid morrocaan speaks more than 4 letters? are you an empty diftar ? i'll write in it. laa takhaf, allaahu ma3anaa.
----------------------------Ahmed El-Diftar----------------------------------
Today at 9:09am
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what free speech? its not about something that you said you fag. and please who you callin a little monkey? i can completly crush you if you were infront of me. and wtf are you arab?
-----------------------------Ahmed El-Diftar---------------------------------
Today at 9:10am
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oh and trust when i say that i am smart enough, you ahve no idea who the hell i am
----------------------------------Rest OftheWorld--------------------------
Today at 9:19am
I have a clear idea, dear. A very clear one. Now just think about it for one minut, little monkey: i don't care about what u say, what u think, what u piss, what u shit.
really i don't care. I'm practicising my very free speech right. Do whatever u want to do. In my life, i never threatend someone. But here's a good advice for u, ur family, ur country: be carrefull, very carrefull. You live in God's Mulk ( realm i think in english or empire as u like). You're nothing. not even a little donkey. Nothing. Dust's dust. (poussière de poussière n'est ce pas). u already have cancer. Tomorrow i don't know.
And next time be very carefull to whom u talk. life is short. u should enjoy it.
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