Dear friends.
My idea is very simple. We must find a means of interesting facebook in the commemoration of Morocco 1200. Facebook has a budget communication equivalent to the Moroccan budget. We should not hesitate, we have a lot to gain.
How can we have Facebook interested in our Morocco-1200 project ?
Easy. by concentrating all our communication efforts on Facebook. Creating an event which defintly links the Fes's city commemoration and the morrocanfacebook community.
I thus invite you to make throughout the whole world of "Morrocan Facebooker for Fes-1200" flash mob.
Wikipédia: "A flash mob, generally translated by crowd flash or mobilization flash is the gathering of a group of people in a public place to carry out something"
I propose that we organise inside and outside Facebook collective gatherings aiming at generating a maximum of media noise on the commemoration of Fes 1200.
outside Facebook: it means to make facebook the command control of the flashmobs. We should create a unique group for this and then develop and create the necessary number of topics (without counting the related groups).
Inside Facebook: it means we should try to carry out the first electronic flasmob of the Internet's history: All the Morrocans could for example use an AD for Morocco-1200 as a profile's photo. (some already did it with Matqish bladi)
At given moments and for given lengths of time. There are certainly among you people able to think a logo and to design it.
Dear Amis do not hesitate, we need the Moroccan brains now. The Brightest please. For Morroko's sake.
one can choose with French billiards to play into free band or three bands. Some claim the game with three bands is the most difficult. I do not agree. And I want to show you why while reflecting how to make a better P.R. work for the 1200 years commemoration of the town of Fes and the ten years of the his majesty Mohammed VI's Reign.
Let us think. We have with the 10 years commemoration of his majesty Mohammed VI's Reign, an event of national width at our disposal. With all the budgetary means and administrative logistics that that implies. Just at side and as by divine blessing, we have the 1200 years commemoration of the town of Fes.

With these two commemorations it is a little as if two cométes crossed. If things go well, we can have a lot of glances directed on Morocco.
Now add Facebook to this equation, and tell me?
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