vendredi 8 juin 2007

Let me present you Rest OFFtheWorld.

To the members of Maroc 1200, Histoire d'un coup médiatique

Rest OftheWorld
Today at 6:41am


Thanks for joining this group. I'll make my best to keep u informed about maroc-1200.

I now invite u (not all of course but keep reading) to add Rest Offtheworld to your friends profile. I'm gonna try to explain to u why Rest Off the world is still (and surely will stay) a work on progress.

First: Rest is a profile-journal.
Second: it's a facebook based journal.
Third: the editor is morrocan muslim and crazy (ceci n'ayant bien sur rien à voir avec cela)

As a profile journal i'm permanently surfing through facebook to find interesting groups or funny one. sometimes only curious ones. Sometimes groups that i really don't like. and i share it with my friends.

As an inside facebook journal I try to inform about the discussions going on on facebook. I also share informations about the facebook compagny itself and stuff related to the internet search or to the virtuals communities. Some national and international informations also when i feel it necessary. A lot, really a lot of links about really a lot of topics... even summer job informations when i find it.

If some of my readers want me to pay attention to a specific topic and follow it, i can do it. pleasure is my permanent compensation for everything I do. When things interest me sky is the only limit.

I also try some experimentations. For exemple I have been playing since the begining with my profile photo. I did it because I realised that the profile image is in itself a communication tool. As no identity is "dûment" established on the internet why should the photo profile be always the same? and define u as urself the one who has this face on this photo ?

Also imagine that when u modify your profile during a discussion to communicate a specific message, this profile is changed in every place you've written a letter.

Add also this: Images and text in face book for text and context. The images add meanning to the text and the opposite can be true also. An image in front of a text is a context for this text and vice versa.

If u use only one photo or one image as a photoprofile, u give only one context to ur writing. you're prisonner of your photo-profile.

I think Internet is a place to be free. Even from oneselve. or from ourselves. Liberate your photo-profile and make it mood-dependant. you'll fly, be sure.

Encore une fois, Merci.

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