lundi 11 juin 2007

Rest offtheworld have been disabled


I know i have regulary problems with the facebook control system. The way i behave, the system thinks that i'm a spammer. Which i'm absolutely not. I'm making an experimental journal in facebook using the profile. If you go to my blog you'll see that i'm honnest. I really have nothing to sell. I just want to make an inside facebook facebook based journal. My work is entirely copyleft.
Here are the problem i make to the system: sometimes i post really a lot, only when i create a group, because i try to test the wall efficacity as friend attractor.
Sometimes i really share too much groups or internet document. I just want to make my profile the best ressource profile on facebook.
Also i don't want to do as most of the facebooker. I want my work to be facebook based firstly. I publish documents on my profile sometimes longbefore publishing them on my blog.

I don't know what to say else. If Facebook doesn't want this kind of journal, obviously i can't make it. But i don't see why: i made this journal because i think that facebook is the most creative place to be now. I promote facebook everywhere. I really love the facebook idea. And my work is copyleft. I love Facebook for free. Please help me. I'm a very honest guy, while i'm not a native english speaker. Tell me what do i have to do if i want to create and pursue my inside facebook journal. I really have nothing to sell. it's a knowledge game for me. i really think that it's for the facebook community benefit.

Thank you really and best regards

So here is my last notes on restofftheworld's blog that you'll find at this adresse on my blog.

Inside Facebook: groups's life or/and groups's stories :

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